Today several good things happened. First, I went to my photography class today! (I L-O-V-E my photography class, and my teacher is Amazing!) But that's not the point... The point is that he was going around the class room doing final project checks with every student (he was looking at a couple of each of our pictures we planned on using for our final to see if we were on the right track, and to make sure we had actually started our project.) My final project is due this coming Tuesday- I am so excited for it! 4 good things happened while i was talking with my teacher
1- My professor loved my self portrait. I received a perfect score on the assignment (i have never gotten a perfect score before in the class) I was SO excited! :) And then my teacher came and told me in person how much he liked it!
2- My professor had great constructive criticism of my final project, loved my theme and pictures, and he gave me great ideas to help me make my project more cohesive.
3- I found out i have an A in the class! :) Yay!
4- For that class we got an awesome extra credit assignment where we are suppose to pick a photographer we learned in class, look at their work, then turn in three pictures that are similar to their work but have our personal touch on them. That is kind of what i already did for my self portrait (i used Ranee Peck and Francesca Woodman as the inspiration for that picture). My teacher told me that i didn't need to do the extra credit, but when i told him i wanted to any way he asked me to do some more pictures similar to their work :) I am really excited.
After Class i went on a 2 hour nature hike/walk to work on my photography final- it was SO great! :) That's my new favorite thing to do in my free time (photography nature hikes/walks)!!!
Today just reassured me how much i love photography. It is something i am very passionate about and want to learn more about. I WANT to be in school to learn about it, there is so much with photography i can learn and do and i am not just limited to digital... I can't wait to have next semester over so that i can really start cracking down on my photography major and classes! :)
Francesca Woodman
Renee Peck
My Self Portrait

My Nature Walk
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